Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Watch Out, 3 Favorite Professions in Jakarta

Talk about the profession, closely related to the ideals. I want to ask, what is your goal when small? Let's mention one-on-one, which of the many ideals, may well miss the profession now. There used to be an aspiring army, it turns out that after adulthood instead become a doctor. When I was a kid want to be a doctor, even become an engineer.

How the hell is the way we are consistent with our ideals? Are there any potent tips to keep going on the path that has been coveted since childhood? In theory, it is possible to do, although in practice very difficult to be realized. The causes are various, among others influenced by parents, the environment, and the level of diligence to learn.

Jakarta, as the center of hope from all cities in Indonesia, is the place where the profession is most widely found. What name, what profession does not exist in Jakarta? Farmers? There are also. Try checking on the outskirts of Jakarta, in the villages of Jakarta, which borders the neighboring province of West Java. But of course, the farming profession in Jakarta is not a very favorite profession, especially those young job seekers.

Well, based on observations, there are currently at least 3 favorite professions in Jakarta. Workers in this field are generally productive, graduating from college to 40 years on average. What is the motivation to get involved in the profession? The answer is very easy: money. What is it?

1. Telemarketing
This profession requires a lot of vacancies with any majors. His job is to call prospective clients to be persuaded as a one-company consumer. For example, offering life insurance, education, and health.

2. Online Transportation Driver
Being a Gojek driver or similar services such as Grab Bike, Top Jek, and Blue Jek is a profession that is also much targeted. Consideration because relative need knowledge of memorize locations at corner of Jakarta. The demand comes from students, former ojek base alias opang, housewives, and employees who just swerved.

3. Online Business
The growth of online business especially in Jakarta is very significant in recent years. Everyone competes to make themselves as a seller of goods in cyberspace. This opportunity begins with more open access to technology to all classes, and slowly familiar with the transaction of buying and selling without having to meet face to face. Various ways are done so that their goods in online ogled by online shoppers as well. Because of its online nature, enthusiasts in this sector also come from various circles, although in the end tend to be used as the main profession.

This article also published in my Bahasa Indonesia blog


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