Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Other Side of The Solo City

Solo Batik Carnival 2017 (Private)
This is actually not planned journey. We was apparently greeted by Solo Batik Carnival (SBC) 2017, which lasted for three days (July 14-16) 2017. From the name, we are still first set foot to Solo of course think SBC will present the most complete batik exhibition at an affordable price as well. In fact, the court of Vastenburg Castle (just called Benteng), Solo as the location of the event center, only two merchants peddling batik clothes. The rest, dominated by culinary traders who line neatly on both sides of the stage. Uniquely, although the theme of batik, court Benteng also enlivened by booths that offer residential homes. That's the atmosphere of the first day SBC.

Well, the long-awaited arrived, according to the announcement that we heard on the first day. On the second day, precisely on Saturday, a number of streets in Solo were diverted, to provide road access to the entourage from various regions in Java featuring the best batik. Interestingly, batik is displayed not just batik but modified by displaying a number of puppet figures. Actually I do not know exactly whether the model of men and women dressed in batik wear like a puppet character or not. What is clear, they look dashing and beautiful wearing batik, complete with additional accessories. More than half an hour for the Solo march to arrive and end the convoy in the Benteng grounds.

As for the third day, we no longer attend the event. However, from the announcement we received, the last day's event will be filled with a number of band performances or dance studio which is dominated by students in Solo City, West Java. In addition, SBC 2017 is the tenth event, routinely held annually. But that was, SBC is not a batik exhibition, but more to the cultural carnival featuring batik as one of the characteristics of Solo. Meanwhile, if you want to batik shopping, available in many Klewer Market and other batik centers not far from the Citadel/The empire of Surakarta.

Chicken Soup Mixed Rice

Do not think chicken soup (soto ayam) in Solo just like in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Not a matter of taste but how to serve it. In Solo, chicken soup that is served already at once mixed with rice. In other words, tasting chicken soup in Solo is only served in a bowl, without a plate as a place of rice. This is different from chicken soup in Jakarta and surrounding areas which usually separates chicken and rice soup. Unfortunately, I do not have a collection of photos from this chicken soup.

Solo Without Urban Transportation

Traveling around Solo still feels good because it is still far from the traffic jam. Even if stuck, still in the stage can be understood, especially in the morning and evening. However, it could also congestion in Solo is almost nonexistent because urban transportation (angkot) is not there. Instead, we can enjoy a taxi with xenia or avanza type vehicles, which can now be ordered online. Taxis in Solo have teamed up with the two most current online taxi providers.

In addition, it is from Adi Soemarmo Airport, Damri buses are also available for a long route. The difference, the Damri stop in Solo is similar to TransJakarta bus stop. However, the halt is small. In fact, at some bus stops, there are only small stairs to make it easier for passengers to board a bus.

King Jokowi's Hat

From the taxi driver we were traveling to, I asked, the building on the street resembles the dome what's its name? "It's a royal hat as a substitute for the Welcome Monument, built by Mr. Jokowi when he was still Mayor, so now he became King (President of Indonesia)," he said. Jokowi King's hat is unique, because the umbrella of the street below.

That was a glimpse of our three days of observation and experience in Solo. Of course there are still many locations that have not been explored yet. A side other than Solo City, the village of H.E Mister Jokowi.


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