Thursday, August 10, 2017

This Is Why Batak Admires German

The arrival of DR IL Nommensen to Tanah Batak at 1862 has changed the paradigm of the Batak people frontally. From the previously closed to education, it turns into being very concerned about the importance of education. That is the reason why Batak people are always synonymous with educated society.

Nommensen, a Protestant missionary from Germany indeed succeeded in replacing the Batak people's point of view while still animist. HKBP Church is a milestone in the establishment of a new history for Batak people who until now have entered the age of more than 150 years. As a church institution, HKBP plays a significant role in changing the Batak people's awareness of the importance of education and health. That means, the church really does not only play a role in mere spirituality, between man and his God. But more than that, the church is also open to the importance of self-development through education.

Closely related education with HKBP church was already proven when the Batak people have many successful to become officials, businessmen, military, and influential politicians in Indonesia. This is where the early rise of Batak fanaticism of the Germans, Nommensen's birthplace. For the Batak people, Nommensen is a very phenomenal and very important figure.

Nommensen died in 1918 and was buried in Sigumpar, Tobasa Region, North Sumatra Province. The Batak tribe as a whole accepted the gospel through its ministry, so Nommensen was nicknamed "the apostle of the Batak".

The love for Nommensen eventually spread to all Germans. So if you are a German want to visit the Land of Batak, almost certainly you will be warmly welcomed by the people there. In fact, Batak people in general always idolized the German National Football Team in the European Cup or World Cup.


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