Monday, August 7, 2017

The Untold Story: The Indonesia Conglomerate DL Sitorus

DL Sitorus (
The conglomerate Darius Lungguk Sitorus, commonly called DL Sitorus, was declared dead on a Garuda plane shortly before flying from Jakarta to Medan. That's the breaking news in Indonesia that crowded on Thursday afternoon, August 3, 2017.
Well, before further discussing about this eccentric man, I must tell first about the culture of the Batak people who always prioritize the call of a subname, not a name. That is why Darius Lungguk is abbreviated as DL. Thus, he is better known as DL Sitorus. So when you get acquainted with a Batak, he will first mention his subname. For example, "Hi, I'm Pardosi." Somehow it's a bit different to call, for example, "Hi, I am Isaac."

But do not worry about it. It's just a habit, which has been passed down among the Batak. Called just the name though, is also not a problem. But there is a requirement, the freedom to name it only applies to those who are Non-Batak. While in the internal Batak, taste-it feels very long when it should be described here. So, let's just discuss about DL Sitorus.

DL Sitorus quirky? Yes, it is. Because, in the whole of his life, DL often deal with parties who are often opposite to him. As a palm oil businessman, school, to hospital, not infrequently he faces a business hurdle that is not light. Including dealing with the local government to the central government.

Well, of the many his stories, there are three series of events that have now become part of the eternal story at Tobasa community, North Sumatra. And, the story is very little reviewed when you try to search it on Google. The only way to find out is to read this article thoroughly.

DL Sitorus who was born March 12, 1938, has a "palace" magnificent in his village, District Silaen, Tobasa, about 30 kilometers from my village. He often settled there, especially when his entire company was managed by both sons.

The first story is related to Pilkada Tobasa 2005 ago (Local Election to Elect the Bupati, top government level on a district. You may called it Mayor). DL at that time candidate nominee named Monang Sitorus. In one of Silaen's campaigns, DL loudly challenged other regent candidates to jointly cook buffalo by burning it with a hundred thousand rupiahs. Wow ... who's brave to do that?

After all, no one has calculated approximately how many hundred thousand bills will run out to cook a buffalo. But the taste-it seems, the number has reached billions and even tens of billions. Of course the DL challenge is a signal that he is ready all-out as long as the candidate who championed to win the fight. Shortly, Monang Sitorus was finally succeeded in becoming regent.

Another legendary story from a Sitorus DL is when he was able to reunite the HKBP church that had split in two, in 1997. At that time, HKBP as the largest church in Indonesia and even Southeast Asia, was experiencing a complicated conflict following the dualism of leadership. The atmosphere in Tapanuli at that time was quite creepy. In fact, President Soeharto had to intervene. However, the peak of the peace of both sides of the conflict was born when DL Sitorus was appointed as a negotiator as well as a mediator. Previously, the peaceful team consisting of a number of Batak-blooded generals, has not been able to break the ice. DL Sitorus valiantly met the two sides until the peace agreement was reached.

The story is not less interesting is how DL Sitorus is very "afraid" of his beloved mother, Theresia br Panjaitan, who had already pass away on October 25, 2016 at the age of quite elderly 98 years. In fact, DL Sitorus is known as a "iron man" if someone is trying to block his decision.

Even so, any decision that has been made DL Sitorus can suddenly "raw" when the decree of the mother said different. There was a story when DL Sitorus fired an employee who could finally get back to work after "persuade" to DL Sitorus’ mother. And, DL is very obedient to his mother. The decision of the mother is a binding and retroactive decision for DL Sitorus.

So the public Tobasa believe, in Pilkada 2010 and elections 2015 Tobasa, Monang Sitorus previously "sanctioned" DL Sitorus finally collapsed because of another command from Mother. Both Pilkada is indeed followed by another candidate who is also surnamed Sitorus. Unfortunately, the decree of the mother is different from the personal desires of DL Sitorus. Although it is, both elections are finally won by candidates who are not surnamed Sitorus. In political calculations, it happens because of the split of votes as a result of the unanimous support of DL Sitorus.

However, DL Sitorus is one of Batak's pride people. Moreover, DL Sitorus is also very concerned about the world of education and health, as evidenced by the foundation Yadika Foundation, and now has spread across the country. DL Sitorus, though poorly educated, supposedly only graduated from elementary school, is very concerned about the world of education and health.

Goodbye DL Sitorus, peace on His side. Amen

*This article also published on my bahasa Indonesia blog


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