Friday, August 11, 2017

Feel The Night Market, Marhaens

Night Market at Indonesia (Private)
At the end of the week like this, it's easy to talk about how the marhaens (lower class society) fill the day. Malls and other shopping centers let monopolized the pockets of thick pockets. Marhaen may only enjoy suburban entertainment. What is that?

The Night Market, wherever it comes from is still one of the prima donna of the middle to bottom to spend the night. No need to bother because they have to bring a lot of money, just enough satisfied kok. The Night Market, in addition to offering children's games as a main attraction, also presents other complementary merchandise such as selling children's clothing, hats, shoes, and various typical snacks of the marhaen.

In the Night Market, many children's games arena is also a top class dream. The difference, the atmosphere offered of course different. For the lower classes, there is no music that softly softens and adapted to the latest child's songs. There, there is only a child's song bang that is entirely old. That's all that's played every night.

Then, what about the tariff? As usual, just spend less than 10 thousand rupiah for one game arena. Compare with high class like Dufan, which can reach 40-100 thousand rupiah per round arena game. Of course there are many more convenience obtained by the marhaen if you want a small vacation in the Night Market.

The Night Market, though looks simple, still offers entertainment for the lower classes. Their presence is always anticipated, at least as antidote to enter the bourgeoisie. Happy holiday, marhaen.

This article also published on my Bahasa Indonesia blog


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