Monday, August 14, 2017

Jember, Iconic City of Indonesia Carnival

Jember Fashion Carnival
Tourism Minister Arief Yahya designates Jember District, East Java Province as Carnival City along with the holding of the annual Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC) event which enters its 16th year. This activity is considered to have national and international level.

"Everyone acknowledges world-class JFC and to realize that the Ministry of Tourism establishes Jember as a Carnival City," Arief said at a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday, July 2017. On that occasion the Minister of Tourism was accompanied by JFC founder and President Dynand Fariz at Balairung Soesilo Soedarman, Gedung Sapta Pesona Jakarta, Ministry of Tourism Office.

The 16th JFC held the theme of Victory Unity in Diversity and JFC's gait for the past dozen years has inspired many carnivals in the country. That's why Jember deserves to be promoted to the world level.

"The determination of Jember as a Carnival City through a Decree (SK) of the Minister of Tourism in order to lift Jember go international.If JFC wants to compete in the global level must unite the steps in Indonesia Incorporated and for that, the city of Jember must be set to become world-class Carnival City, He said.

JFC creativity is considered worthy of a magnet to bring foreign tourists (tourists). Unfortunately, in terms of commercial value and financial value is still not very attractive because it can not be well capitalized. "By making it as a world-class Carnival City, its commercial and financial value side can be raised," he said.

In the value of culture, JFC creativity has been recognized world. The proof there is a series of international awards achieved as best national costume. In 2010, for example, Balinese costume won the best national costume mister International in Indonesia.

Then costumes Toraja Karembau (best national costume man huni international) in 2011 in South Korea. Papuan costume (best national costume mister Universe model) in Dominica Republic, Borneo costume (best national costume miss supranational) in 2014 in Poland.

Lampung costume (best national costume miss international 2014) in Japan, and best national costume miss grand international 2016 in USA, Costkon Toraja Tongkonan (best national costume miss supranational) 2015 in Poland.

Meanwhile, Borobudor Costume (best national costume miss universe) 2015 in Florida United States, Betawi costume (best national costume miss international tourism) 2016 in Malaysia, and Garuda costume (top 5 national costume miss universe) 2016 in Filiphina.

While JFC President Dynand Fariz said JFC 2017 activities to be held on 9-13 August 2017 in Jember District will include exhibition, carnival, conference, and concert.

"The Victory theme in the 16th JFC means victory, with the Unity in Diversity sub-theme is Unity in Diversity, thus simultaneously depicting Indonesia's victory in various world competitions followed by 50 to 80 countries over the achievement of best national costume male and female peagant," he said. .

He said the theme of "Victory" also illustrates also the victory over the success of the Indonesian nation to unify the differences (bhinneka tunggal ika) in the frame of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya hopes tourism can become the largest foreign exchange earner for Indonesia. In fact, Arief hopes tourism to be a foreign exchange earner above the natural resources of Indonesia. "So above it oil and gas, on top of coal, above CPO or palm oil," said Arief.

According to Arief, the tourism sector is only able to absorb 10 percent of foreign exchange from about 10 billion dollars of marine tourism potential owned. This is below the ability to absorb foreign exchange owned by neighboring countries. "Compared with Malaysia already 8 billion US dollars, we are only 1 billion US dollars, whereas our potential is much higher," said Arief.

Arief assess, access becomes Indonesia's weakness in tourism. He cited tourists from China who came directly to Indonesia only 37 percent. "While to countries such as competitors to Singapore is 85 percent, Malaysia 78 percent, Thailand 81 percent," he said.

Arief added that his party is currently accelerating in opening access to major countries, such as China, India, and, Australia, to Indonesia directly.


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