Saturday, August 12, 2017

Mr Dedi Mulyadi, The Jokowi’s Incarnation

Mr Dedi Mulyadi between marhaens (
It's been a while since I've watched Dedi Mulyadi's movements, the Purwakarta Regent who is now preparing for a political battle for West Java 1. Of course, I must assert first that I have never met or known Kang Dedi. This assertion is important so that what I want to convey remains objective, so as to escape allegations of multiple interpretations. But obviously, as a citizen of West Java, I am concerned to participate in determining the next West Java leader, in the Governor and Vice Governor Election in June 2018.

Yes, his name is Dedi Mulyadi, a very typical Sundanese called Kang Dedi. His political career as the Regent of Purwakarta, in my observation, has been quite successful so far. The indicator of success can be seen from various aspects. Such as sectors of education, infrastructure, health, and other sectors that all received appreciation from many parties.

Even so, Kang Dedi is not without obstacles or protests when he tries to bring a sense of diversity in the Land of Sunda. However, therein lies the strength of Kang Dedi's principle, which always holds the local wisdom but does not forget the contributions of figures outside of Sunda.

But what I admire most about Kang Dedi is how he treats his society. Look, on various occasions, he mingles with the people by visiting the pockets of the population he considers to require special attention. This style is certainly familiar to us, just like what was done by Joko Widodo, from since Mayor of Solo, Governor of DKI Jakarta, even to become a President.

Not surprisingly, Dedi Mulyadi was also awarded as the Democratic Leader of The Soekarno Center, given by the Board of Trustees of The Soekarno Center, Sukmawati Soekarnoputri, July 2016. Interestingly, this award was only given twice, which was first awarded to President Joko Widodo when he served as Governor of DKI Jakarta.

As an adherent to the teachings of Soeharno-style marhaenism, I judge Kang Dedi's diligent acts of visiting marhaen, very touching. Such a form of concern is an act that only a Marhaenis can afford. He does not care about his status as an important official, because his job is only a way to smooth the aspirations he wants to achieve. Not the other way around, that is persuading the little people to smooth his personal ambition.

Dedi is more interesting as the Chairman of Golkar Party at DPD West Java. Although he is a Golkar cadre, but understanding the development he made, is a sense of PDIP. However, as he once said, marhaenism does not belong to one class only, but belongs to the Indonesian nation. "Although I am the Chairman of Golkar of West Java, I am a Marhaen, I run Marhaenisme in the applicative pattern, both as Chairman of Golkar and as Regent of Purwakarta," Kang Dedi said firmly when giving a mandate in the Regional Golkar Party Congress of Indramayu Regency, September 2016 .

I totally agree with Kang Dedi's opinion. The marhaenismic teachings that Soekarno sparked were the assets of the nation that should be guided without having to pay attention to the background of his political party. Moreover, as it is known, the name marhaen was first called Soekarno after a visit to South Bandung. Marhaen is the name of a Sundanese farmer who owns farmland and cultivates the land for his benefit. In other words, the marhaen is a figure that capable by standing on his own feet.

The more perfect when the PDIP finally decided to support Kang Dedi as the Candidate of West Java Governor, by establishing a coalition with Golkar. Although in fact, PDIP is the percentage of seats in the West Java Legislative Assembly, eligible to submit its own candidate, as in the last election of the Governor of DKI Jakarta. However, PDIP I think has made the right decision. Although Kang Dedi is a cadre of Golkar, but what he has done so far as the Regent of Purwakarta has in fact fulfilled the principles in the teachings of marhaenism.

In conclusion, allow me to mention Kang Dedi as Jokowi's incarnation.

Greetings Marhaen

This article also published in my Bahasa Indonesia blog


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