Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dorothy Tan and The Midnight Terror

"I am Dorothy Tan". That's how the broadcaster of Singapore when it ended the news broadcast in one afternoon, about 20 years ago. In our village, far away in the interior of North Sumatra, only Singapore radio signals are caught quite clearly in radio antennas. Of course I did not understand what the broadcaster was broadcasting. But incidentally, a beloved father who knows little English, is able to capture messages from the news, which then translated his beloved father into our local language (Batak).

Parsoburan, the name of our village, was already touched by Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Jakarta. But unfortunately, his voice is still hoarse, occasionally disappeared especially when the wind is strong. As a result, not much information we can enjoy from RRI at that time. Moreover, the current electricity network is still limited, only lights up with a certain hour.

One night, shortly after Dorothy Tan completed her broadcast assignment, the whole village was suddenly startled by a group of people from Porsea, some 45 kilometers from Parsoburan. They looked panicked and frightened, squeezing in the open truck. What the hell happened? Apparently, PT Inti Indorayon (now PT Toba Pulp Lestari), a pulp mill operating in Porsea has leaked tanks containing chemicals. That said, chemicals released into the air is able to kill humans. That's what keeps the people around the factory scattering themselves to farther areas. A terrible midnight terror.

Not a bit we know the beginning of the leak before they come in droves to our village. Communication channels were still very limited. The home telephone network is not available yet, while the landline is only active until late afternoon. It is inconceivable that the pulp mill is exploding and its reach is able to reach our village. The whole village is certain to experience mass disaster.

The next day, Dorothy Tan's voice re-emerged from the radio, she preached about the incident that on the previous night made our whole village to be awake. Thankfully, the phenomenal event was not to sacrifice casualties. My dear dad translated Dorothy's news to me: no casualties.

That's my experience of a radio broadcast that must be enjoyed from the opposite country. We are forced to understand English because of the difficulty of receiving an Indonesian language broadcast. In fact, bad news from neighboring villages, should be obtained from Singapore radio.

Lake Toba and Disaster Preparedness Radio

The condition of 20 years ago is very different from now. Our previously closed village of communication channels, now arguably well established information. The telephone network and the internet have transformed into a necessity for all levels of society. It does not take many hours let alone days to find out what happened outside the village. However, the presence of radio that once had become the idol of the inhabitants of the village, slowly abandoned by the entry of television broadcasts, followed by telephone and internet. A change of time that feels very fast and instant.

In fact, Indonesia as released National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) is a multi-disaster prone country. More specifically, Mount Toba which transformed into Lake Toba and is only about 70 kilometers from the Parsoburan, one of the biggest eruptions in the history of human civilization. Indeed, in the notes BNPB, Mount Toba located at the bottom of Lake Toba so far no longer active status. However, a disaster actually is very difficult to ascertain. For as the wise say, no one is able to resist nature. We can only anticipate disaster as much as possible.

Lake Toba which is now one of the world's tourism destinations continue to preen attention following the attention of the Jokowi-JK government towards this tourist destination. However, as a precaution, it is necessary to educate people around Lake Toba for "SadarBencana" (Disaster Preparedness) which may appear suddenly. Well, the presence of radio is a sufficiently effective means to provide a complete understanding to the wider community.

To be more interesting, conscious disaster radio broadcasts can be adopted from the folk legend as the folklore around about the occurrence of Lake Toba. Radio re-staging on Lake Toba may be very easy if BNPB cooperates with local government as well as holding local radio stations. I imagine the enthusiasm of the local people when hearing the story of the occurrence of Lake Toba through radio broadcasts. It would be much more interesting if the story was spoken in the local language so that the disaster-conscious messages inserted in the story scenario could be fully understood by all listeners.

As a result, SadarBencana is easily accepted as well as taking care of local wisdom which recently began eroded by the progress of the times.

In closing, I honestly wanted to meet Dorothy Tan. Anyone can help?

*) This article also published in my Bahasa Indonesia blog (Kompasiana)

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Watch Out, 3 Favorite Professions in Jakarta

Talk about the profession, closely related to the ideals. I want to ask, what is your goal when small? Let's mention one-on-one, which of the many ideals, may well miss the profession now. There used to be an aspiring army, it turns out that after adulthood instead become a doctor. When I was a kid want to be a doctor, even become an engineer.

How the hell is the way we are consistent with our ideals? Are there any potent tips to keep going on the path that has been coveted since childhood? In theory, it is possible to do, although in practice very difficult to be realized. The causes are various, among others influenced by parents, the environment, and the level of diligence to learn.

Jakarta, as the center of hope from all cities in Indonesia, is the place where the profession is most widely found. What name, what profession does not exist in Jakarta? Farmers? There are also. Try checking on the outskirts of Jakarta, in the villages of Jakarta, which borders the neighboring province of West Java. But of course, the farming profession in Jakarta is not a very favorite profession, especially those young job seekers.

Well, based on observations, there are currently at least 3 favorite professions in Jakarta. Workers in this field are generally productive, graduating from college to 40 years on average. What is the motivation to get involved in the profession? The answer is very easy: money. What is it?

1. Telemarketing
This profession requires a lot of vacancies with any majors. His job is to call prospective clients to be persuaded as a one-company consumer. For example, offering life insurance, education, and health.

2. Online Transportation Driver
Being a Gojek driver or similar services such as Grab Bike, Top Jek, and Blue Jek is a profession that is also much targeted. Consideration because relative need knowledge of memorize locations at corner of Jakarta. The demand comes from students, former ojek base alias opang, housewives, and employees who just swerved.

3. Online Business
The growth of online business especially in Jakarta is very significant in recent years. Everyone competes to make themselves as a seller of goods in cyberspace. This opportunity begins with more open access to technology to all classes, and slowly familiar with the transaction of buying and selling without having to meet face to face. Various ways are done so that their goods in online ogled by online shoppers as well. Because of its online nature, enthusiasts in this sector also come from various circles, although in the end tend to be used as the main profession.

This article also published in my Bahasa Indonesia blog

Welcome to Indonesia, Facebook

Facebook Indonesia Office (detikcom)
Facebook, social media that much-loved Indonesian people officially opened an office in Jakarta. As one of the countries with the largest Facebook users in the world, of course the opening of office in Jakarta is the right decision by Mark Zuckerberg. The opening of the office is a conformation of Facebook commitment that is subject to the rules of the Government of Indonesia.

The announcement of Facebook office in Indonesia is known after meeting with the Ministry of Communications and Informatics early this August. Country Director of Facebook Indonesia Sri Widowati, said the existence of this Facebook office is a conformation of their commitment to Indonesia.

"It shows a commitment to what we have done in Indonesia, trying to support the communities that are in us, as well as facebook users," said the woman who is familiarly called Wido in the opening speech of the new office Facebook.

The location of the Facebook office is located in the Four Season area, precisely at the 49th floor Capital Place building, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta. Half the 49th floor is controlled by Facebook. Nuance startup with the color of Indonesian culture immediately felt when first entered this office.

Indonesian impression is reflected in various ornaments, such as a collection of paper in the form of archipelago writing and animals hanging in front of the receptionist. Then the mural is drawn on the walls of the office to batik motifs.

The introduction of his office in August was deliberately chosen because in accordance with the celebration of Indonesia's 72nd independence. "This is a special week for Indonesia, we see that Indonesia is an important market, so we open an office that also celebrates the 72nd anniversary of independence," he said.

Facebook presence in Indonesia actually happened several years ago. In fact, many important events in Indonesia are finally getting the attention of the government due to uploading Facebook users. More than that, Facebook has also helped many traders in Indonesia to market products or services offered.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Top Five Favorite Places in Bandung

Ciwidey White Crater
Bandung, capital of Indonesia’s West Java Province, is a large city set amid volcanoes and tea plantations. It's known for colonial and art deco architecture, a lively, university-town feel and–thanks to its 768m elevation–relatively cool tropical weather. Bandung is also a shopping destination, with fashion outlets clustered along Jalan Setiabudi and Jalan Riau in the Dago district.

Bandung is a favorite weekend destination for residents of Jakarta and surrounding areas. To be able to reach the city of Bandung, Jakarta residents simply use toll roads only, so it is very easy to access the city that is in this mountainous area. For citizens of Jakarta who do not have a vehicle, no need to worry because a lot of travel services that provide transportation from Jakarta to Bandung.

In addition to easy access, Bandung also has many interesting sights so busy visited by tourists who live around Bandung. What are the tourist attractions in Bandung that must be visited? Here are the attractions in Bandung that must be visited:

1. Ciwidey White Crater
Located in Ciwidey, about 50 KM south of Bandung, Kawah Putih Ciwidey is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Bandung, especially among nature lovers. Ciwidey White Crater, as the name implies is a volcanic crater with white-colored soil. This white color because there is a sulfur content in the soil. The main uniqueness of the white crater is the water that always changes color.

2. Mount Tangkuban Perahu
Located about 20 km north of Bandung, Mount Tangkuban Perahu is a volcano located on the border of Subang and Lembang. The uniqueness of Mount Tangkuban Perahu is a shape that resembles an inverted boat, in accordance with the legend that says that Mount Tangkuban Perahu comes from a boat that was kicked upside down by Sangkuriang. Mount Tangkuban Perahu is a natural tourist attraction that has become one of the most famous tourist attractions in Bandung and its surroundings.

3. Ciater Hot Spring
Ciater Hot Spring located on the border of Subang is one of the tourist attractions in Bandung and its surroundings are the most visited by tourists because in addition to functioning as a means of recreation, Ciater Hot Water also has health effects for you. Located about 30 KM north of Bandung, Ciater Hot Spring comes from an active crater on Mount Tangkuban Perahu. Soaking in water sulfur Ciater is perfect for you who want to take a break.

4. House Mode
Rumah Mode is the name of a most famous factory outlet in Bandung. Located in Jalan Setiabudi, Rumah Mode is the largest, complete, and busiest factory outlet in Bandung. The shopping atmosphere at Rumah Mode is very comfortable and clean, so it is perfect for those who like shopping tours. The items offered in Rumah Mode are clothing, shoes, bags, and other things that smell of fashion. Most of the items in Rumah Mode are export leftovers so you can get them for a relatively cheap price.

5. Strawberry Garden Ciwidey
The Ciwidey Strawberry Garden is a place where you can see and take a walk in the strawberry garden. In addition you can also pick your own strawberry fruit. The strawberries you have picked will then be weighed and you have to pay according to the weight of the strawberries you have picked. My advice comes in the dry season because the strawberry quality is better than during the rainy season

Jember, Iconic City of Indonesia Carnival

Jember Fashion Carnival
Tourism Minister Arief Yahya designates Jember District, East Java Province as Carnival City along with the holding of the annual Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC) event which enters its 16th year. This activity is considered to have national and international level.

"Everyone acknowledges world-class JFC and to realize that the Ministry of Tourism establishes Jember as a Carnival City," Arief said at a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday, July 2017. On that occasion the Minister of Tourism was accompanied by JFC founder and President Dynand Fariz at Balairung Soesilo Soedarman, Gedung Sapta Pesona Jakarta, Ministry of Tourism Office.

The 16th JFC held the theme of Victory Unity in Diversity and JFC's gait for the past dozen years has inspired many carnivals in the country. That's why Jember deserves to be promoted to the world level.

"The determination of Jember as a Carnival City through a Decree (SK) of the Minister of Tourism in order to lift Jember go international.If JFC wants to compete in the global level must unite the steps in Indonesia Incorporated and for that, the city of Jember must be set to become world-class Carnival City, He said.

JFC creativity is considered worthy of a magnet to bring foreign tourists (tourists). Unfortunately, in terms of commercial value and financial value is still not very attractive because it can not be well capitalized. "By making it as a world-class Carnival City, its commercial and financial value side can be raised," he said.

In the value of culture, JFC creativity has been recognized world. The proof there is a series of international awards achieved as best national costume. In 2010, for example, Balinese costume won the best national costume mister International in Indonesia.

Then costumes Toraja Karembau (best national costume man huni international) in 2011 in South Korea. Papuan costume (best national costume mister Universe model) in Dominica Republic, Borneo costume (best national costume miss supranational) in 2014 in Poland.

Lampung costume (best national costume miss international 2014) in Japan, and best national costume miss grand international 2016 in USA, Costkon Toraja Tongkonan (best national costume miss supranational) 2015 in Poland.

Meanwhile, Borobudor Costume (best national costume miss universe) 2015 in Florida United States, Betawi costume (best national costume miss international tourism) 2016 in Malaysia, and Garuda costume (top 5 national costume miss universe) 2016 in Filiphina.

While JFC President Dynand Fariz said JFC 2017 activities to be held on 9-13 August 2017 in Jember District will include exhibition, carnival, conference, and concert.

"The Victory theme in the 16th JFC means victory, with the Unity in Diversity sub-theme is Unity in Diversity, thus simultaneously depicting Indonesia's victory in various world competitions followed by 50 to 80 countries over the achievement of best national costume male and female peagant," he said. .

He said the theme of "Victory" also illustrates also the victory over the success of the Indonesian nation to unify the differences (bhinneka tunggal ika) in the frame of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya hopes tourism can become the largest foreign exchange earner for Indonesia. In fact, Arief hopes tourism to be a foreign exchange earner above the natural resources of Indonesia. "So above it oil and gas, on top of coal, above CPO or palm oil," said Arief.

According to Arief, the tourism sector is only able to absorb 10 percent of foreign exchange from about 10 billion dollars of marine tourism potential owned. This is below the ability to absorb foreign exchange owned by neighboring countries. "Compared with Malaysia already 8 billion US dollars, we are only 1 billion US dollars, whereas our potential is much higher," said Arief.

Arief assess, access becomes Indonesia's weakness in tourism. He cited tourists from China who came directly to Indonesia only 37 percent. "While to countries such as competitors to Singapore is 85 percent, Malaysia 78 percent, Thailand 81 percent," he said.

Arief added that his party is currently accelerating in opening access to major countries, such as China, India, and, Australia, to Indonesia directly.

Mango Tree, Indonesia Family Favorite Plants

The mango tree is one of the most preferred tree species of urban society in Indonesia. In addition to expecting fruit, the owner is also protected from direct sun exposure. That is why, mango trees are often planted in the yard area of the house. Home front, side, or back of the house. Depending on where the land is empty.

Planting mango trees in principle is very easy. There are no special tricks or unique ways to go. Mango tree is a plant that is quite resilient against all weather. Even so, to harvest the sweet mango fruit, of course it takes care of the tree since the small. Mango trees should be given fertilizer once in three months. The type of fertilizer that is potent enough is NPK, or it can also UREA to mung leaf mango.

As much as possible, the mango tree should also be diligently sprinkled with soil at the base of the tree. This is very important to ensure the roots do not arise to the surface and exposed to direct sunlight. However, this trick only needs to be done if the tree is still young.

Mango trees of superior varieties, of any kind, are very easy to find. In good tree builders who settled in one place or who went around to the pockets of residential residents, on average sold Rp 30-Rp 50 thousand. Depending on the age and size of the mango tree. Since planted, the average mango will bear fruit at the age of 2-3 years, with a tree height of about 2 meters. No longer need to climb trees if you want to harvest them.

This article also published in my Bahasa Indonesia blog

Sunday, August 13, 2017

@kurawa, The Indonesia Social Media Phenomenal

Oh my dear marhaen, coincidence today is Friday, do not forget the Prayer well. Let #bejo (luck) to all.

That's roughly the opening chorus of @kurawa account whenever you want to discuss the hot topic being discussed.

On his profile page, @kurawa named Rudi Valinka pinned some of the hash tag alias tags, ie #ForensicAuditor #SokGanteng #Sinetwit #BEJO #SejutaKTPAhok. The first tags is his current profession as a forensic auditor, a profession that is still very rarely heard. If the tax auditors, independent auditors, already familiar, is not it? While the second tag, specifically for himself who is handsome, LOL.

The third tag is part of the story @kurawa ever booming when the killing of beautiful women in Bandung patterned love triangle. He discussed it from the forensic auditor's side by considering many aspects. The key word from @kurawa is, always imagining himself as the perpetrator of the crime itself. With that method, undoubtedly will be easier if you want to dismantle the motive of a person committing a crime. Perhaps this is also the thing that is often practiced by the police so often successful capture the brains of perpetrators of crime meksi armed with evidence and minimal witness.

The fourth tag, is the belief @ kurawa to the luck. This tag is famous during the 2014 presidential election, with candidates Jokowi and Prabowo. At that time, Jokowi was faced with a strong political party strength with the presence of the Red and White Coalition. But with lucky, Jokowi finally succeeded in occupying the seat Indonesia-1.

@kurawa account now become very popular among twitter’s netizen in Indonesia. Although the number of followernya not as much as Yudhoyono, proved chirp-chirp @ kurawa many responded netizen. Not infrequently, @kurawa different opinions with national figures, including groups that cons with Jokowi or Ahok.

Phenomenal chirp @ kurawa finally arrived also to the national media editorial desk. The mass media often quote his chirp on various cases, as well as to quote tweets from national figures. Even so, the kicking @ kurawa so far is still more dominant and hit, especially for the little wong, who are curious about other events behind a news. And, @kurawa is an expert to dismantle such things.

Uniquely, since active on twitter in June 2009 and has now captured as many as 135 thousand followers, @ kurawa also not merely discuss interesting topics. Occasionally, he sincerely retweeted his fans' requests. For example, to pray for a birthday, or to pray for a new business to run smoothly.

That's the trick @ kurawa scooped follower in cyberspace. He is present as a balancing flow of information presented in the mass media. But perhaps, like the Chinese proverb that Ahok has also made, @kurawa also experienced it: behind the fame there is pain.

This article also published in my Bahasa Indonesia blog